Tom Rudolf's blog

my 5 cents...

Donnerstag, März 03, 2005

No democracy with electronic voting?

There is no democracy anymore, as long as there are electronic voting machines!

Because, as we cannot even have a safe and clean email system without viruses, how do you expect to be able to trust electronic voting machines? How do you want to trust voting via Internet? Viruses, worms and other malicious code is more than likely going to tamper with the result, aren't they?

How can Joe Blogs understand and verify an electronic voting machine? Even with SQL skills, Joe cannot possibly double check if every voter has been counted the right way.
Therefore, if Joe cannot verify it, he doesn't trust it! Where will we end if voters don't trust voting machines?

We must stop electronic voting!
Or else democracy is gone :-(

Paper and pen is the simple and proven solution that Joe Blogs and every other citizen of this democratic country understands and trusts!

I do not consider Governments nor suppliers of electronic voting machines the biggest trust problems, also that could be an other down-side too.


At 14:42, Anonymous Anonym said...

Fight the power of stupid electronic voting machines!


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